Response from the U.S. Office of Naval Intelligence

In response to our August 2024 Interstellar Alliance Social Experiment: Step Three letter, the kind people at the U.S. Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI) have replied with the following message:

"I'm sorry we do not have any records, and, if there are extraterrestrials, I certainly hope your belief in their benign nature is correct."

- A. D. Levitz, General Counsel

While the ONI claims not to have any records on UFOs or UAPs, they have directed us to the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO) within the U.S. Department of Defense for further inquiries.

Letter and Envelope Images

ONI Response Letter, Page 1
ONI letter page one

ONI Response Letter, Page 2
ONI letter page two

Envelope from the U.S. Office of Naval Intelligence
ONI envelope

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